Paperbark Haiku autumn ginko

The Perth-based Paperbark Haiku group met on Friday 3rd May for our autumn ginko in the historic Harold Boas Gardens; an inner-city treasure of a park with winding pools of water, carefully placed boulders reminiscent of a Japanese garden, lush exotic bushes and trees, ducks and ibis and a Monet-style bridge.

An enthusiastic group of seven (Barry Sanbrook, Michael Spark, Jake Dennis, Rita Tognini, Ruari Jack Hughes, Rose van Son and Candy Gordon) met for coffee and an exchange of ideas on the elements of haiku, followed by a
contemplative walk in the gardens. We then shared our writing; some read completed haiku, some had words and thoughts to take home and work on, and all of us enjoyed the exercise, the company and the meditative garden setting on yet another warm, autumn day.
The following are some of our words inspired by nature –

light and ripples
stroke them

Barry Sanbrook

butterfly without wings
expecting to fly
caterpillars dream

Michael Spark

bird’s nest fern
the hollow fills
with leaves

Rose van Son

butterfly yellow
winging across limpid pools
reflecting wonder

Ruari Jack Hughes

one-legged ducks
yoga pose
better than mine

Candy Gordon

set in West Perth high-rise
Boas Park

Rita Tognetti