confluence haiku journal : call for submissions

submissions open 15 June to 15 July 2024.

confluence offers haiku poets a unique opportunity to showcase a representative selection of their work and to collaborate with other poets.  Each issue of the journal will feature 1 to 2 poets and publish a representative sample (at least 15 poems) of the selected poet’s work along with critical commentary by other poets. Selected poets are also invited to participate in collaborative writing activities and be published in an year-end anthology. The editors intend to promote confluence widely in non-haiku poetry circles, so that selected poets may have their work read and appreciated by a more general readership.

Submissions open 15 June, 2024 and will be accepted through 15 July, 2024. confluence is edited by Ryland Shengzhi Li, Antoinette Cheung, and Aidan Castle. To learn more about the journal and to submit, please visit our website.