Light and Counterlight by Mark Miller

Mark Miller has recently had a new collection of haiku and senryu, Light and Counterlight, published by Ginninderra Press. ‘In Light and Counterlight it is especially Mark Miller’s unique view, his long experience and solid craft of writing that make his work look effortless. His poems are aesthetic and effectively show that the small things, such as a breeze, the trickle of water or shimmering light, are actually the great ones that drive and preserve the circle of life.’  – Beate Conrad, Editor Chrysanthemum

Cover: Autumn Valley, watercolour by Ron C. Moss

night currents
moving beneath the surface
jellyfish moon

inside the ocean the names of all the rivers

spider’s web anchored at five points the morning star

Mark Miller

This highly recommended work can be ordered here from Ginninderra Press and also at Amazon, Book Depository and other online booksellers.