White Pebbles Haiku Group winter meeting

Beverley George, Marilyn Humbert, Maire Glacken, Michael Thorley and Kent Robinson met at the Gosford Regional Gallery at 10:00am on 8th June. Apologies were received from Samantha Sirimanne Hyde, Gwen Bitti, Colleen Keating and Pip Griffin.

The Gosford/Edogawa Commemorative Gardens were closed to the public due to major maintenance works. Consequently, after a cup of hot coffee and a lovely catch up we spent our quiet ginko time in the regional Art Gallery adjacent to the gardens where one of the main exhibits was a collection of art titled A Glint of Koi.

We then adjourned to our quiet nook beneath the gallery, to sit about the oval table where we discussed the points of the work sheet Beverley had prepared for us. One that especially appealed was ‘have you had an encounter with an untamed creature that has lifted your spirits/made your day?’ A number of relevant haiku were presented by White Pebbles poets in response to this and all other suggested prompts.

Often as our meeting went on, I’d glance wistfully through pane glass windows at the beautiful Gosford/Edogawa Japanese Garden but as always, we made the utmost of our time together and we look forward, one and all, to a Spring Ginko in the garden in September. Lunch was a casual affair, enjoyed in camaraderie, in the Gallery’s cafe, after which we parted ways, looking forward to a new season when our passion for haiku shall bring us together once more.

Kent Robinson