Haiku @ The Oaks

Thursday 15 June 2023

Warm greetings and a table near a heater—just the right tone for a haiku lunch on a crisp winter day. Five of us this time—Kathy Kituai, Hazel Hall, Greg Piko, Glenys Fergusen and Jan Dobb.  We missed Marietta McGregor.  Another chum, though, was a local magpie who insisted on remaining inside with us despite the staff’s attempts to evict her. 

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Illawong Haiku Group Winter Meeting

6th June 2023

It was indeed a wintry day outside with grey skies and the occasional light shower of rain as five of us gathered for our group’s 6th birthday celebration. Apologies were received from Alison Miller and Joy Bye. While a few folk have come and gone since we began a valued core of enthusiasts remain.

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AHS Winter Solstice Haiku String 2022

The Australian Haiku Society welcomes contributions from haiku poets worldwide to the Winter Solstice Haiku String.

We will be holding this Haiku String during the day of the Southern Hemisphere Winter Solstice, occurring in Australia this year on Tuesday, 21st June, 2022. The String will remain open for contributions until Tuesday 28th June to accommodate international poets who may wish to take part.

The string has now closed. Thanks to all the poets who shared their haiku. We are pleased to have contributions from many countries. While comments on haiku are welcomed while the string is open, comments that are not haiku have now been removed to make it easier for readers.

Haiku String – Instructions

The AHS invites you to share with us your original, previously unpublished haiku or senryu on the theme of Climate Change.  We invite you to explore a multiplicity of ideas in the String without necessarily using the term climate change, though you may if you wish.

The haiku will be linked by subject and theme, it is not necessary for each haiku to relate to the one before it.

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Preliminary Notice: AHS Winter Solstice Haiku String 2022

The Australian Haiku Society welcomes contributions from haiku poets worldwide to the Winter Solstice Haiku String.

We will be holding the Haiku String during the day of the Southern Hemisphere Winter Solstice, which occurs in Australia this year on Tuesday 21st June, 2022. The String will remain open for contributions until Sunday 26th June to accommodate international poets who may wish to take part. Contributions may be made on the website during these dates only (not before).

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