AHS Summer Equinox 2022 Haiga Kukai: Non-Seasonal Results with Comments by Judge Ron C. Moss

1st Place

the autistic boy
drawing his perfect world …
a smiling shark

Natalia Kuznetsova

The image I captured was of a sculpture in Fremantle, Australia, and I was looking for interesting responses that might come from the unusual elements. I know it was a challenge to keep away from a direct seasonal reference but I feel the image was evocative enough and I’m pleased to say we have some fine entries to enjoy. I feel the winning poet has captured a whole story in three short lines and they sizzle along with the image to make a very effective haiga. We probably all feel the sharp teeth of life at times and I can only guess what it must be like for those who have added challenges. A fine poem that stays long after first reading.

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