White Pebbles Haiku Group Christmas Meeting and Ginko

Present on this pre-Christmas occasion were Maire Glacken, Gail Hennessy, Samantha Hyde, Colleen Keating, Verna Rieschild and Beverley George.

We slipped easily into our optional routine of catching up briefly for coffee and chat prior to our ginko but at 10:30 sharp we were all out of the door and walking silently in the beautifully designed Gosford/Edogawa garden, noting seasonal changes and listening to the waterfall, cicada hum, the flurry of duck wings and the splash of koi. Red dragonflies skimmed over reeds and water lilies and the bed of white pebbles beside the pond were gleaming in sunlight.

Armed with worksheets of suggested haiku topics we strolled and jotted before meeting up in the tea-hut to exchange our ideas.

Seasonal busyness meant that several members were unable to attend this particular occasion but we all look forward to catching up for our autumn meeting on March 10th.

Beverley George
Convenor: White Pebbles Haiku Group
December 9th, 2017