White Pebbles Summer Meeting 2020

Four members of the group were able to meet up at Gosford/ Edogawa Gardens on December 12th: Maire Glacken, Verna Rieschild, Colleen Keating and Beverley George. Armed with excellent completed work sheets sent ahead to us by Marilyn Humbert and Kent Robinson, we settled on the paved deck outside the café for a preliminary coffee, and passed these two sheets around reading the responses to the prompts aloud. We were inspired by them – a valuable and enjoyable start to our meeting.

As always, we set off at 10:30 to walk silently around the lovely garden, pausing to jot our thoughts and observations. A neat line of seven ducks crossing the curved bridge in precise single file prompted shared smiles.

Next we settled at the round table to workshop our haiku prompted by the ginko and then the prepared worksheets we had all completed in advance. We revisited Marilyn’s and Kent’s worksheets too and enjoyed them as much as at the first reading.

Spontaneously, one by one, we expressed the uplift we all felt from being able to be together in this lovely location.

We hope it will be possible for others to safely attend the autumn meeting in 2021.

Beverley George

And a brief postscript! A few days after our meeting, print copies of the 12th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest Selected Haiku arrived in the mail from Japan. It was great to see included two haiku each from 6 members of the White Pebbles Group! They were Gwen Bitti, Kent Robinson, Gail Hennessy, Marilyn Humbert, Samantha Sirimanne Hyde and Beverley George. We’ll be trying again next year.

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