Illawong Haiku Group Winter Meeting

6th June 2023

It was indeed a wintry day outside with grey skies and the occasional light shower of rain as five of us gathered for our group’s 6th birthday celebration. Apologies were received from Alison Miller and Joy Bye. While a few folk have come and gone since we began a valued core of enthusiasts remain.

Between meetings, guidelines for writing haibun were circulated and members who had time were encouraged to bring their attempts to today’s meeting. Theme words of ‘birthday’ and ‘winter’ were also provided to encourage new haiku.

To set the scene a number of issues of Kokako were circulated and some reading time was set aside to introduce members to a variety of haibun styles.

Patricia Meredith and Rita Potente

Afterwards each member read their haibun and guidance was given as to how they might reduce unnecessary words. Discussions followed regarding the appropriate use of ‘person’ in their stories and the need to give careful consideration to complementary haiku. It was suggested that with renewed knowledge they revisit their work and any changes be brought along to read at our Spring meeting in September.

We then moved on to our themed haiku leaving some in our haiku bowl for lunch time. Alison was with us in spirit having previously sent her contributions online. Her haiku were duly read along with the other offerings. Patricia was the most prolific and efficient contributor as always with a long list and a copy for everyone which is most helpful during discussions.

Carol Reynolds, Ros Pitt and Margaret Mahony

Many hands made light work with everyone contributing to our sharing table. Sausage rolls, sandwiches, fresh fruit and a carrot cake with six candles the centrepiece. While enjoying our lunch we read haiku from the bowl and caught up on everyone’s news since we last gathered.

Our meeting ended in the hope that when Spring comes around we will be able to enjoy a ‘ginko’ at one of our favourite outdoor venues.

Carol Reynolds
Group Co-ordinator