Launch of New Australian Haiku Society Website – 21st June, 2016

On this Winter’s Solstice day, I am proud to announce the launch of the new Australian Haiku Society website. The website celebrates both Australian haiku and Australia itself. Our country is showcased not only through poetry, but also through many stunning photographs taken by our members. Our goals remain the same as they have always been, to promote the enjoyment of haiku within Australian and to bring Australian writers to the world haiku community.

I would like to thank Robyn Smith for her many years service as webmaster of the previous HaikuOz website. Robyn’s work has enabled our Society to have a strong and continuous voice. I would also like to say a big thank you to the AHS Committee and the Website Subcommittee, in particular Lynette Arden for her tireless efforts in making the new website possible. Please feel free to visit the site at any time and become a follower to receive updates whenever they are posted. I look forward to a very bright future for Australian haiku and for our Society.

Vanessa Proctor

President, Australian Haiku Society

