Celebrate International Haiku Day 17th April, 2020. Advance Notice.

The Australian Haiku Society encourages haiku poets to take part in activities to celebrate International Haiku Poetry Day. As the current situation we find ourselves in means we cannot gather for readings or other haiku events, we will be holding a Haiku String. We welcome haiku poets worldwide to contribute to the String, on the theme of Solitude.

The String will open on Friday 17th April in the Southern Hemisphere and remain open for contributions until Sunday 19th April to accommodate international poets who may wish to take part. Contributions may be made on the website during these dates (not before).

Fringe Myrtles Meeting Report

The Fringe Myrtles is a new haiku group in Melbourne which had its most recent meeting online due to the social distancing regulations associated with the Coronavirus. The theme of the meeting was to write haiku about the impact of Covid-19. And seeing as it was the first Zoom meeting for so many of us, it went as well as could be expected!

Group member Myron Lysenko commented, “It was wonderful to hear and see everybody read out their haiku. So many of our haiku had a focus on what is missing now.” All of the haiku shared with the group touched on this sense of loss – of what life was like before the virus. One member, Robbie Cairns, submitted a haibun which captured the mood of the current circumstances.

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