International Haiku Poetry Day – Haiku String

Today, 17th April 2020, we are celebrating International Haiku Poetry Day by holding a String on the theme of ‘Solitude’. By sharing our haiku we can connect with each other, even in these days of social distancing, self-isolation and working and studying from home.

So that international poets may take part, the String will remain open until Sunday,19th AEST.

AHS invites you to share with us your original, previously unpublished haiku or senryu on the theme of Solitude.  We invite you to explore a multiplicity of ideas on this theme without necessarily using the word ‘solitude’.

The haiku should be linked by the subject of Solitude. It is not necessary for each haiku to relate to the one before it.

Haiku String – Instructions

  1. Please contribute up to three of your best previously unpublished haiku or senryu.
  2. Haiku should be posted in the comment box at the end of the post.
  3. Each poem posted must be original work by the poet making the post. Please include your name below each haiku as you wish it to appear.

Posting your work in the AHS International Haiku String 2020 assumes the following:

Copyright of each haiku remains with the author. We request nonexclusive permission to publish your work on AHS website and to republish it in any future online collections on the AHS website.

to my loneliness –
falling leaves

Rob Scott

126 thoughts on “International Haiku Poetry Day – Haiku String”

    disappearing child
    strange forests are frightening
    plains flat and lonely

    during ‘great lockdown’
    creativity soaring
    giving morale wings

    in cries for relief
    songs and jokes bring lost laughter
    soothe for fearful hearts

    Phil Saunders


  2. I didn’t included my name earlier, so reposting. Sorry for this mistake.


    a thread pulls off
    her bantering


    assuming sun
    in daisies –

    morphing the globe koi in a pond


    Neelam Dadhwal,

    Liked by 2 people

  3. * a red letter box
    porch became prussian blue, words
    are unfrequented

    * last evening, leaves fell
    and cicadas went to sleep
    festoon lights faded

    * radio stopped, and
    paper boats were lost in rain
    ‘now close the shutter’


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