Illawong Haiku Group Autumn Meeting Report

It is with pleasure that I am able to report on our Autumn gathering since the December meeting went unreported due to various issues that prevented our normal modus operandi.

Fortunately, despite the current very unpredictable weather, we were able to gather on the balcony of Margaret’s home amid the very calming space she has created with her ever growing collection of potted greenery.

We had a full complement of members and were very happy to welcome a visitor, Rita Potente, who is new to haiku and we hope will join us for future meetings. Reversing our usual format we enjoyed haiku readings from the haiku bowl while we enjoyed morning tea and some of Margaret’s freshly made carrot cake, then it was down to business.

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Autumn Equinox Haiku String 2021

The Australian Haiku Society welcomes contributions from haiku poets worldwide to the Autumn Equinox Haiku String.

We will be holding this Haiku String during the day of the Southern Hemisphere Autumn Equinox, occurring in Australia this year on Saturday, 20th March, 2021. The String will remain open for contributions until Sunday 28th March to accommodate international poets who may wish to take part.

The Haiku String has now closed. Thank you to all the poets and please enjoy the contributions.

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White Pebbles Haiku Group Autumn Meeting

March 13th 2021

On our arrival for catch-up and coffee we were slightly daunted by a brief downpour. This obligingly ceased precisely at our regular ginko set-off time of 10:30. The glossy leaves of cloud-shaped bushes, neatly trimmed, glistened with small raindrops; and white crocuses lined one edge of the pathway. Jotting and silence prevailed, apart from waterfall tumble and the voice of a very young child telling her mother how much she loved the word ‘igneous’,  her favourite type of rock.

left to right: Colleen Keating, Gail Hennessy, Beverley George, Kent Robinson, Marilyn Humbert, Gwen Bitti
Photograph courtesy of Deb Robinson

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Fringe Myrtles Haiku Meeting, February 2021

The Fringe Myrtles welcomed the new year at our first meeting for 2021 held on the last day of February. It was hoped that the group could meet face-to-face for the first time in almost a year, but due to the recent, sudden and unexpected lockdown, we were once again forced indoors. Fingers-crossed, we can be in each other’s physical company soon.

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Preliminary Announcement: Autumn Equinox Haiku String 2021

The Australian Haiku Society welcomes contributions from haiku poets worldwide to the Autumn Equinox Haiku String.

We will be holding the Haiku String during the day of the Southern Hemisphere Autumn Equinox, which occurs in Australia this year on Saturday 20th March, 2021. The String will remain open for contributions until Sunday 28th March to accommodate international poets who may wish to take part. Contributions may be made on the website during these dates only (not before).

Continue reading “Preliminary Announcement: Autumn Equinox Haiku String 2021”

Haiku @ The Oaks, Canberra

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Overhead the currawongs, miners, magpies, cockatoos were in full-throated chorus as we yakked once more beneath the trees at The Oaks. One young magpie even joined in our discussion, warbling from his perch on a spare chair. Five of us were present—Gregory Piko, Marietta McGregor, Hazel Hall, Glenys Ferguson, Jan Dobb.  We missed Kathy Kituai this time.

As we settled in over lunch, Hazel congratulated Greg on his impressive reading at the recent Poetry Book Fair.

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