Watersmeet Ginko – 26th June 2020

A winter walk in Hobart is always unpredictable because of the uncertainty of the weather. In the week leading up to our scheduled ginko we experienced days of heavy rain but we had the good fortune of a clear day and the use of an air b&b at Fern Tree, Mount Wellington for our get-together. The easing of restrictions meant that we could gather as a small group so we decided to make a day of it, sharing lunch, haiku, ginko and companionship. Continue reading “Watersmeet Ginko – 26th June 2020”

Bindii Report on Zoom Meeting in June

On Saturday June 27 we held another Zoom meeting. Four of us attended: Julia Wakefield, Steve Wigg, Stella Damarjati and Lynette Arden, with apologies from Dawn Colsey and Maeve Archibald.

We had arranged at the previous meeting to try putting together a sequence, using the theme of ‘sound’. Each member was required to bring along between three and five haiku that they had written on this theme. Continue reading “Bindii Report on Zoom Meeting in June”